Greetings to all of the women of Grace Presbytery!

Although we are separated, we can meet here on the website to have a new kind of Fall Gathering!

Sadly, we must omit some of the best parts of the gathering: the conversations, hugs, and new friends. However I would like to note the possible positive changes.

  • Our Presbyterian Women members who could not drive to our meetings because of age, health reasons, or distance can now take part in our Gathering.
  • Also, we can still have a keynote address on an important topic to Presbyterians because of recent killings across our nation.
  • We can think, pray, and meditate on our response in our own homes throughout the presbytery.

This year’s Fall Gathering theme is, “One Race Before God.”

This was a topic we had wanted to present, but we had no idea how timely it would be. Incoming moderator, Meg Garver-Hamilton, was especially trained in New York state by church-wide Presbyterian Women to offer you the Presbyterian view on all Christ’s followers and how we should treat them.

We also have included two pieces of business to continue our missions:

  1. The 2021 PW Grace Presbytery Budget
  2. Our new Slate of Officers

We need your approval or disapproval on the budget and this slate of officers. These new leaders will begin their tasks in January 2020.

Usually we would have a lovely installation service, but it will have to wait until we all feel safe and have had some kind of vaccine. Please review these items on our Presbyterian Women page of the website, where you will find instructions on how to vote via email.

If you are interested in serving on the Coordinating Team, please let me hear from you.

Lastly, please note the link to Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. This link will take you to the PCHAS donation page. At Fall Gatherings, we always take up an offering for a mission chosen by the hosting church and for one chosen by our Coordinating Team.

This year, our hosting church was the Presbyterian Children’s Home in Itasca, Texas. Our goal was to welcome women who had never been to the Itasca campus to see the homes we provide for children and teenagers that need them. Although we cannot visit right now, we know that they could use monies donated to cover what has been lost due to the pandemic and economic recession.

I hope to see all of you in the future; I pray that you and your families are safe. Be careful and stay well.

Blessings on your path,
Bettina Zvanut
Outgoing Moderator, Grace Presbytery Presbyterian Women