September 6, 2021

To: Clerks of Session and Moderators
Re: Session Records Review

This has been an unusual year. We originally planned to hold in-person Session Records Reviews in various regions this fall. However, the emergence of the coronavirus Delta variant has changed our plans. Rather than meet together in regional groups, we invite you to use one of the methods below for the review of your 2020 session records:

Please choose either:

1. Pair up with another church as partner. Mail or take your records to your partner. Review your partner’s records privately. Return the records to your partner. Send the Reviewer’s Report to the presbytery office. When we receive the Reviewer’s Report, we will send a sticker indicating your records were reviewed. If you choose this method, your deadline is October 25, 2021.

2. Send your records to the presbytery office. We will review them and return them to you – with your sticker indicating your records were reviewed. If you choose this option, your deadline is September 25, 2021.

Please choose one of the above options, notify us of your choice, and complete your work by the deadline indicated above.

Thank you for working with us. We look forward to reviewing the many good works you are doing in service to Christ our Lord.


Rev. Dr. Gerry Tyer
Stated Clerk, Grace Presbytery

Questions? Please email Gloria Beard in the presbytery office.