Stated Clerk Search

Stated Clerk Search

Grace Presbytery is seeking applications for the position of Stated Clerk. This position is an elected office of Grace Presbytery (“the presbytery”). Election is by the presbytery on an annual basis, ordinarily at the last meeting of the year, for the ensuing year,...
Update: Business in Transition

Update: Business in Transition

On behalf of Grace Presbytery, we want to communicate how business will be conducted while the Stated Clerk position is vacant. Communications to the clerk are being triaged by Tammy Stepka and routed to the appropriate staff: Interim General Presbyter, Moderator, and...
Nominations to Service

Nominations to Service

The Nominating Committee is beginning its work once more, nominating presbytery officers, the standing committees of Grace Presbytery, and Synod commissioners. The Nominating Committee remains intentional in ensuring that diversity, inclusiveness of perspectives,...