Lunch & Learn: Frontera de Cristo

Mark Adams Miriam Escobar Frontera de Cristo

Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado are mission co-workers with the Presbyterian Border Ministry in Agua Prieta, Mexico, Frontera de Cristo.

Frontera de Cristo is one of five sites that are still a major focus of Presbyterian work in our border region. Ministry areas of Frontera de Cristo include church development, health, family counseling, the New Hope Community Center, mission education, and the Just Trade Center.

Grace Presbytery will host Miriam and Mark at the Presbyterian Mission Center in Irving for a Lunch & Learn, on Thursday, May 18th, including a meal (on us) and a presentation from our mission co-workers, along with a Q&A session.

Come learn more about this important border ministry!

To RSVP, please email Tammy Stepka by Thursday, May 11th to confirm your attendance and include any dietary restrictions.

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