com5 cpm

Committee on Preparation for Ministry

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry is responsible for the enlistment and care of inquirers and candidates for ministry as Ministers of Word and Sacrament. In concert with church sessions and theological institutions, the committee guides inquirers and candidates in seminary selection, ministry discernment, internship, and professional ministry opportunities.

2024 Committee Members


Rev. Rebecca Chancellor Sicks
Dallas, Northridge Presbyterian Church

Janet Walters
Richardson, Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church


Pepa Paniagua, Coordinator of Innovation & New Ministry Development
Grace Presbytery

Tammy Stepka, Office & Ministry Coordinator
Grace Presbytery


Rev. Dae Jung
Plano, West Plano Presbyterian Church

Dian McCall
Fort Worth, St. Stephen Presbyterian Church

Rev. Brendan McLean
Tyler, First Presbyterian Church

Rev. Claude (Wilson) Nicholson
Plano, Grace Presbyterian Church

John Nsi
Garland, First Presbyterian Church

Rev. Sandra Seamans
Grace Presbytery

Rev. Jacob Snowden
Cleburne, United Presbyterian Church

David Williams
Southlake, Trinity Presbyterian Church

Betsy Winters
Dallas, First Presbyterian Church


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