Allen, we grieve with you.
May God be with you in your grief,
that you may know consolation.
May God be with you in your confusion,
that you may be led to truth.

Let us remember all who have been harmed by gun violence.
The families who have had children taken from them,
The parent who cries every time they drop their children at school,
The friend who wishes they had done more.
The teacher who puts their body in front of the bullets to shield their students.
The worker who lives in constant fear, wondering, will today be the day.

How Long, O Lord?
How long will we allow the killings to continue?
How long will we continue to let the voices of those who profit from death and fear shape our lives?
How long will we be afraid to take action – to say to lawmakers – Enough.
How Long, O Lord?
How Long?

Gracious God, whose mercy never ends and
Whose Spirit brings the Kairos moment for change.
We call upon you, Lord, to galvanize us all,
Every congregation in Grace Presbytery.
Wake us up in our pews; do not let Christ find us asleep on this watch.
Rather, Lord, grant to our church members, both those of us who own guns and those of us who do not, a unity of purpose to change the debate on gun violence and inspire our lawmakers to action to pass gun safety laws that will make our communities safe.

At all the places where you are proclaimed, give us courage to stand against the principalities and powers that profit from gun violence and work to keep us afraid of our neighbor.

In Christ’s name we pray.

Rev. Deanna Hollas is a member of Grace Presbytery and serves as the Gun Violence Ministry Coordinator for Presbyterian Peace Fellowship.