Budget and Finance
"And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8 NRSV
2025 Committee Members
Rev. Karl E. Schwarz
Dallas, Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church
Vicki Roberts, Coordinator of Finance and Property
Grace Presbytery
Faye Sanders, Finance and Property Assistant
Grace Presbytery
Enoch Azu
Irving, Woodhaven Presbyterian Church
Robert Evans
Grace Presbytery
Mario Koym-Garza
Arlington, Westminster Presbyterian
Rev. Elizabeth H. Lockhart
Grace Presbytery
Lyndon Olson Jr.
Waco, First Presbyterian Church
Mike Powell
Richardson, St. Barnabas Presbyterian Church
Rev. Karl E. Schwarz
Dallas, Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church
Lynn Ward
Rockwall, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. James B. Witherow
Grace Presbytery
Rev. Christopher Lee
Ex-Officio without a vote
Grace Presbytery
Charles "Trey" Angel
Ex-Officio without a vote
Grace Presbytery