Grace Presbytery Friends & Colleagues,

Hopefully you are up to date concerning Hurricane Laura as it approaches the Texas and Louisiana coastlines. It has recently been ungraded to a Category 4 hurricane as of 1:00 p.m. CST today (Wednesday, August 26).

Predictions show Laura coming ashore tonight and heading north through the presbytery’s East Texas region. Rainfall between 2 and 4 inches is expected, accompanied by high winds. Time is short, and we hope you have already made preparations. 

Please check in with church members, especially those who are elderly, disabled, or at risk. Make sure they are in a safe place. Additionally, please:

  • Secure the church building and church records.
  • Locate insurance documents and keep them handy.
  • Contact Joanna via email or at 214.738.3850 (cell) if there are injuries to report, damage from the storm, or if you need assistance. 

The link below will take you to the presbytery’s online document library, which contains a comprehensive congregational preparedness plan from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) that you can use now and save for blue sky times.

You are in our prayers. Please stay safe.

Joanna Kim
Director, Ministry Services
on behalf of the Congregational Support Committee Disaster Response Task Force

Congregational Disaster Preparedness Plan August, 2020