Young Adult Ministry
Through worship, mission, study, and fellowship, we are finding God’s wholeness for each other and, guided by the Holy Spirit,
seek to share it with our community and the world.
Young Adult Volunteers
The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service for young people, ages 19-30, that takes place in 22 sites throughout the United States and around the world. YAVs accompany local agencies working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation while exploring the meaning and motivation of their faith in intentional community with peers and mentors.
Young Adult Volunteers serve during the academic year, August to July. Program benefits during the YAV year include a regular stipend, housing, transportation assistance and student-loan repayment options for the duration of their service year.
Follow @yavprogram on Instagram and Twitter for updates.
Contact Jen Bluestein
Coordinator of Generational Leadership