Church Safety Training


Led by Disaster Response Team’s ALICE certified trainers, Grace Presbytery is providing a certified ALICE (Alert • Lockdown • Inform • Counter • Evaluate) Violent Threat (active shooter) Response Training to empower our congregations in the East region to determine the path forward regarding their church safety.

This training will be held at First Presbyterian Church located at 301 N. Center Street in Longview.

Who should attend this training?

Congregation members, church staff, including individuals who run ongoing activities at your location, such as daycare or afterschool care, will find this training beneficial.

The training is limited to 40 participants and up to 2 participants per church with firm commitment to attend the entire training session.

Violent Threat Response Training includes:

● Consideration of your specific church setting, such as worship in the sanctuary.

● Consideration of small group activities such as Sunday school, committee meetings, bible studies, and prayer meetings is also addressed.

● Practical exercises are included with the instruction.

● An overview of safety team and policy is provided.

● “Question and Answer” session to address attendee questions and concerns.

● Grace Presbytery funds the cost of all participant materials and meals.


9:00 a.m. Welcome & Prayer
Morning Session primary focus: ALICE Training

12:00 p.m. Break for Networking Lunch
Afternoon Session primary focus: church specific team discussion, safety policy, Q&A

4:00 p.m. Evaluation & Closing

Questions regarding the training event: DRT member John Hill
General information: GP staff Joanna Kim

Register to Attend