Church Security Training Workshop

church pews

The Disaster Response Team of Grace Presbytery is excited to host a Church Security Training Workshop on Saturday, June 25th at First Presbyterian Church in Grapevine, Texas.

Ron Bottrell, volunteer with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and active shooter preparedness instructor (ALICE).

This workshop will take a broad look at church security, including:

• a security self-assessment walking tour
• guidance for surviving a hostage situation
• working with ushers and greeters
• a discussion considering the threat to Protestant churches
• how to organize and manage a church security team, and more

This training event (in-person only) will take place over six hours, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Registration is limited to 32 participants (only 2 people per congregation, please).

This event has reached capacity, so registration is now closed.

Due to demand, and at the request of our congregational leaders, additional safety trainings will be scheduled in the future. Please watch the presbytery website and eNewsletter for updates.

Any other questions can be directed to Rev. Jim Reinarz, moderator of the Disaster Response Team.