Service of Installation: Rev. Dae Jung
Grace Presbytery, together with West Plano Presbyterian Church, will offer a service of installation on Sunday, January 22nd at 4:00 p.m. to install Rev. Dae Jung as pastor.
Dae Jung grew up as a pastor’s kid, the eldest of three boys. He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a Presbyterian minister, graduating from Princeton Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 1992.
Dae is a seasoned minister and theologian with a passion for prophetic ministry that draws people to make a difference as peacemakers and God’s beloved. He has two adult sons, Joshua and Alex, who live and work in Chicago.
We rejoice that God has led Rev. Jung to serve in Grace Presbytery, and we pray for his ministry in Plano and beyond.
West Plano Presbyterian Church is located at 2709 Custer Road in Plano, Texas.