What Poets Can Teach Preachers
Poets and preachers have a lot in common. You could even say poets are our closest cousins – and in ways that might surprise you. Join us for an energizing afternoon to learn what a poet can teach a preacher about the work we share, the life we seek, and the words that shape the journey.
Speaker: Anna Carter Florence, Ph.D., Peter Marshall Professor of Preaching, Columbia Theological Seminary
Dr. Florence is interested in preaching and public proclamation and preparing leaders who can speak and listen in multiple contexts for ministry. Her research focuses on testimony, pedagogies of preaching, the creative process by which communities engage and embody scripture, and how other fields – particularly poetry and theater – offer models for prophetic speech.
12:00 p.m. Welcome & Introductions
12:10 p.m. Devotional
12:15 p.m. Presentation
1:15 p.m. Q & A/open conversation with presenter
This event is offered via Zoom at no cost, but advance registration is required.
“What Poets Can Teach Preachers about Surviving, Thriving & Talking about What We Do” is presented by the Congregational Support Committee of Grace Presbytery as part of the committee’s 2022-’23 Leadership Development Series.
Congregational Support Committee moderator is Rev. Lander Bethel.
Staff liaison is Joanna Kim, Director of Ministry Services.