Updated February 26, 2021, to include damage report, emergency funding documents, and additional resources.

Dear Grace Presbytery Community,

We have all been affected to varying degrees by the latest crisis of this polar vortex. We are dealing with great loss ─ loss of power, Internet, water, and connections with church, family members and friends.

Our lives have been disrupted. Some are depending on friends and family for basic needs. Some have utilized community warming centers. Many are dealing with burst water pipes and its effect on our homes and congregations. 

These are difficult and stressful times. It is important to remember that we, as Presbyterians, are part of the connectional Church. With the apostle Paul writing to the church at Corinth, we are firm and live by, “the body does not consist of one member but of many… if one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”

Ubuntu is a South African phrase and particularly significant right now. It means, “I am because we are.”  We are connected to one another. We are in this Good News together. I encourage us all to lean into each other, to pray for one another, and join with those who are working to put things back together again.  

Walking with you through the waters,
Steve Shive
Interim General Presbyter 


Weathering the Storm: Considerations for Churches

Shutting Off Your Main Water Valve

Flood Recovery: Action Steps

FEMA Assistance: Houses of Worship (added Feb. 24th)

Board of Pensions: Emergency Assistance Application (added Feb. 24th)

Financial Resources: Disaster/Emergency Grant List (added Feb. 24th)

Newly-Formed Grace Presbytery Support Team

A support team, composed of local Presbyterian Disaster Assistance first responders and presbytery staff, was formed this week to help mitigate damage sustained by churches during the winter storm.

The support team continues to reach out to pastors, commissioned pastors, and moderators/congregational leaders to ascertain how our presbytery can be of service. The team’s duties include:

  1. compiling a list of damaged properties, whether or not immediate assistance is required
  2. providing resources, links, recommendations to congregational leaders
  3. hosting virtual meetings for pastors/CPs/moderators to “check-in & debrief” for support
  4. helping navigate/access potential emergency funding sources

Support team members are available via email and by phone at 214.393.5602. They are working to keep everyone updated and informed as temperatures continue to rise in the coming weeks. 

Property Listing: Damaged Grace Presbytery Churches (added Feb. 26th)*

*Please note: This is a working document, therefore this list may change. Additionally, some congregations elected to not be included on this list, as structure damage was deemed minor and/or repairs are currently underway.